BSP Hug-a-Banker
Bank Makes World Record Attempt in PNG
BSP, the nation's largest bank, recently held a fun and exciting promotion covering its network of branches nationwide. On Tuesday 17th November from 11am until mid-day, each branch held a promotion called "Hug-A-Banker."
For every hug received, BSP agreed to donate K1 to charity. For every new account opened or new SMS Banking Registration made during the promotion, BSP agreed to donate K5 to charity.
The results are in… this was a great success with a total of 7,041 hugs officially recorded at BSP branches nationwide!
It was so much fun. Customers were pouring in off the streets to join in this exciting event and everyone who gave the BSP Manager a hug, received a free "Love Your Bank" promotional item.
It was certainly something different. Some customers even started hugging each other at Kavieng branch, such is the friendliness of our people in New Ireland Province! Cecilia Pasum, Branch Manager, achieved 167 hugs during the promotional hour with a little help from her team.
At Aitape, the Headmaster of one of the local schools, St. Anna Primary, took the entire school along for their hugs, saying it was a great way to help their local charity. Branch Manager, Joseph Was, said it just goes to show what a little branch can achieve. Aitape recorded an incredible 457 hugs!
BSP Rabaul Branch Manager Ben Umba receiving a hug.
In Rabaul, Tuesday mornings is normally fairly quiet, but during the promotion, 187 hugs were recorded and Ben Umba, Branch Manager, said, "Everyone had such an enjoyable hour… especially me !" Over in nearby Kokopo, Albert Burua, Branch Manager, clocked up what he called "202 well-deserved hugs!"
Way up in Wewak, Branch Manager, Magai Kavailon, said it's not really part of the Sepik culture to hug, but when told their local charity would benefit from cash donations from BSP, the hugging just kept coming along, with 367 hugs officially recorded during the one hour promotion.
Even the smaller branches like Popondetta got involved. Wesley Hosea, Branch Manager, said he hugged 76 customers, the most people he's ever hugged in his entire life!
Over in Lae, BSP Lae Commercial Centre officially recorded an amazing 639 hugs!!! That was the highest record for any branch in PNG. That's more than 10 hugs per minute ! Special congratulations to Branch Manager, Mary Kundi and her loyal team on their magnificent result.
Back in Moresby, BSP Waigani Banking Centre wasn't far behind, with a marvellous 575 hugs. Danny Vincent, Branch Manager, said Tuesday morning is normally fairly quiet, but quickly added that he really enjoyed the event and it brought in a lot of customers to the branch.
Stanerd Wai, Branch Manager, Port Moresby
Stanerd Wai, Branch Manager, Port Moresby, said the Sing Sing Group performing outside their main entrance certainly helped attract customers and they recorded 227 hugs during the promotional hour. At Boroko Banking Centre, Anne Baniyamai, Branch Manager, said they had such a lot of customers all wanting a hug, they had to get Security Officers to organise them into a proper queue. Boroko recorded an impressive 310 hugs as a result.
Still in the capital, BSP Douglas Street Branch Manager Joe Ururu logged 115 hugs in the hour and said it was a really wonderful and exciting experience.
What turned out to be an excellent exercise in Public Relations has also helped various PNG charity organisations as BSP will donate a total of K12,526 as a result of the "Hug-A-Banker" promotion. There was a total of 7,041 hugs at K1 each, plus 338 new BSP accounts were opened and a further 759 new SMS Banking Registrations received. At K5 donation each that added 1097 transactions. A great result!
Nuni Kulu, Manager to the CEO's office, said this was certainly a campaign with a difference, and one that has instilled a closer, more friendly relationship between the Bank and its many valued customers. It also created a closer friendship between BSP staff. "It just goes to show," she said, "that you really can love your bank!"
Official Hugs count by branch.
BSP - Lihir Branch Manager Bobby Aeron |
BSP - Waigani Branch Manager Danny Vincent |
Aitape 457.
Alotau 187.
Bialla 188.
Boroko 310.
Buka 116.
Bulolo 144.
Daru 378.
Port Moresby Douglas St 115.
Gordons 43.
Goroka 402.
Kainantu 71.
Kavieng 167.
Kimbe 166.
Kiunga 73.
Kokopo 202.
Kundiawa 111.
Lae Top Town 350.
Lae Commercial Centre 639.
Lae Market Town 80.
Lihir 46.
Lorengau 40.
Madang 275.
Maprik 119.
Mendi 77.
Moro closed.
Mt.Hagen 201.
Popondetta 76.
Port Moresby 227.
Rabaul 187.
Tabubil 137.
Vanimo 82.
Wabag 204.;
Waigani 575.
Waigani Drive 229.
Wewak 367. |
Grand total : 7,041
BSP… Love your bank.
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