P.N.G. Gossip Newsletter - 3 Jul 1999

PNG Gossip Newsletter Meri Milne Bay
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Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please e-mail them to giaman@pnggossip.com

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To send a message for submission to the PNG Gossip Newsletter queue -- please e-mail your contribution to pngnews.queue@pnggossip.com

Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 31 - 33 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.

For those who are not so familiar with the geography of Papua New Guinea I suggest taking a look -- http://maps.expedia.com/ -- and then click on the find a map option. Go to this link for a quick start to a link to a map of Port Moresby. -- http://www.michie.net/pnginfo/pom-map.html

Also remember that the accuracy of the information in this newsletter should not be relied upon - it is, after all, a gossip newsletter.

If a longer URL in this newsletter appears to be broken, please manually cut and then paste the link into your browser.

If you are really keen on finding out what the Kina is worth a currency converter, for most world currencies, can be located at -- http://www.michie.net/pnginfo/moni.html. -- The daily rate for Kina from several banks in PNG can be found on the PNG Business Directory -- http://www.pngbd.com

Prime Ministerial Problems

Six ministers have walked out of the Bill Skate cabinet. Five of the six said that they were joining Sir Mekere Morauta's People's Democratic Movement whilst the Forest Minister said he was siding with the Advance PNG Party headed by the Speaker John Pundari.

Flight West

The airline has advertised a return price of K621 on their Port Moresby Brisbane non-stop service commencing on the 16th of August.

PNG Motors

The car company is advertising a B1800 utility for K24,750 complete with a free pig

National Capital District Commission

The commission has advertised on the spot fines of up to K50 for littering. They are

Interest Rates

FinCorp have advertised a rate of 16.75% for a one-month term deposit. Other rates are

These rates are for deposits of a minimum of K5000

Journalism School

Delegates at the first Oceania regional conference of the World Association of Press Councils have expressed concern over the planned closure of the University of Papua New Guinea journalism school.

Value Added Tax

The VAT will be enforced regardless of a cabinet decision that it should be deferred to January 1 next year.Two other tax acts are also to be implemented. They are the Customs Tariff Reforms Act and the Excise Tariff Reform Act.

Change of Government

It is tip that the change of government will happen very soon. it is simply a matter of who has the most numbers. As usual everyone says they have the majority.

Neville Choi wrote this in the Independent newspaper:-

With just under two weeks left before parliament is scheduled to resume, last week's Supreme Court ruling directing cabinet to set a date for the early recall of the house has heightened political horsetrading and member movement from one side of the house to the other.

From experience, and with the unpredictability of PNG politics, two weeks is ample time for the tide to change for those who have settled on a path of clear sailing to a change of government.

The supreme court's ruling found that the government had breached the PNG constitution when it adjourned parliament for seven months.

This decision came too late for many since parliament is about to sit anyway.

Referendum for Bougainville

Joseph Kabui has said that a referendum and the highest level of self government for Bougainville are the fundamental issues which the people want to negotiate with the Papua New Guinea national government.

Australian Aid (AusAid)

AusAid is underfire, by a report released by the National Research Institute, for being seen as a boomerang form of aid. This is aid where most of the benefits are returned to Australia.

PNG newspaper sites

Post Courier


The Independent (now closed down)


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Created - 3 Nov 1999
Updated - 18 Feb 2001
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